
Reviewing Your Estate Plan | Charlotte Estate Planning & Asset Protection Lawyers

How Often Should I Review My Estate Planning Documents?

By James E. Hickmon, JD, MBA, CFP® / November 24, 2021 / Comments Off on How Often Should I Review My Estate Planning Documents?

In a perfect world, you should review your estate planning documents every time there is a life event, such as a, Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce, or Retirement. You also want to review them with the acquisition or sale of a significant asset, like that of a business. These are times to pull out your estate…

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Critical Components of Estate Planning | North Carolina Estate Planning & Fiduciary Law

What Are the Most Important Components That Should Be Part of Everyone’s Estate Plan?

By James E. Hickmon, JD, MBA, CFP® / November 24, 2021 / Comments Off on What Are the Most Important Components That Should Be Part of Everyone’s Estate Plan?

Determining what the objectives are, implementing a plan that meets those objectives in a way that conforms to the laws of the tax code and treasury regulations is important when planning any estate. To accomplish this, our approach is to sit down to listen to the client. The first question we ask is, “Tell us…

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What is Estate Planning and When Do I Need It? | Charlotte Estate Planning Lawyers

What Exactly Is Estate Planning And When Do We Need It?

By James E. Hickmon, JD, MBA, CFP® / November 24, 2021 / Comments Off on What Exactly Is Estate Planning And When Do We Need It?

Estate planning encompasses a wide variety of subject matter, from how your assets may be titled and who is the beneficiary of your insurance to IRAs and 401(k)s, to the creation of business entities, the establishment of buy-sell agreements, the creation of trusts and gifting during your lifetime. The process allows you, rather than a…

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Planning for Beneficiaries with Mental Illness

Estate Planning For Beneficiaries With Mental Illness

By James E. Hickmon, JD, MBA, CFP® / June 14, 2021 / Comments Off on Estate Planning For Beneficiaries With Mental Illness

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, 19.1% (nearly 1 in 5) of U.S. adults experience mental illness annually. Historically, discussions surrounding mental illness were taboo and off-limits. However, thanks to the hard work of mental health professionals and a generally greater awareness of the causes of mental illness, some, but not all, of…

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